‘October the 5th 1810
At a parish meeting called on Sunday the 30th day of September 1810 at the parish church and at the Chapels of Craswell and Llanveyno and held at Longtown according to appointment it was then ordered and unanimously agreed that the Churchwardens should pay Edward Prichard the Sum of fourteen Guineas for the Stone and workmanship for setting up a table of the Modus in the parish Church of Clodock being a Decree established by the Court of Exchecher and half a Guinea for hauling of the Stone down to the church.’
Wm Watkins
George Anthony
James Johnson
Joseph Williams
Richard Barrell
James Gilbert
William Prichard
Richd Watkins
Arnold George
Benjam Titley
John Rogers
William Morgan
John Price
James George
John Gilbert
Thomas Penry